Local and national resources related to COVID-19

The United Way will update this information as we learn more. Please share any information from your agency with us as well. We hope everyone is staying safe.

Remember, to view accurate information concerning COVID-19 visit nc211.org - The United Way's community service resource help line and website.

HELP WITH CHILD CARE - Effective April 1

Parents/caregivers who are essential workers and need financial assistance for child care can complete a COVID-19 Parent Application for Financial Assistance for Emergency Child Care form. Families should submit the application to their child care center. Click on the link to print out the application.

Qualifications: If you are an essential worker responding to the COVID-19 crisis, you have an emergency child care need and no other child care options AND you have a household income below the allowed limit (Below $78,600 for a family of 4).

Application: https://ncchildcare.ncdhhs.gov/…/COVID-19_Parent_Applicatio…

If essential workers need help finding child care, please call the Urgent Child Care line at 1-888-600-1685.


1. The U.S. Small Business Administration has granted a disaster declaration covering all North Carolina counties, allowing affected small businesses and non-profits as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) to apply for low interest SBA disaster loans. The interest rates are 3.75 percent for small businesses and 2.75 percent for nonprofit organization with terms up to 30 years. Visit: https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/ or


2. The North Carolina COVID-19 Rapid Recovery Lending program supports North Carolina small businesses and family farms as they recover from the economic impact of COVID-19. This rapid recovery loan helps small businesses bridge the gap between when crisis strikes and when federal loans, insurance payouts, and other relief funds are approved, or businesses have time to recover. Visit: https://ncrapidrecovery.org/

3. The North Carolina Employment Security Division is publishing instructions and guidance on the following link to help you understand new changes to the state’s unemployment system, due to the current impacts of the COVID-19 coronavirus in North Carolina.

Visit: https://des.nc.gov/need-help/covid-19-information

4. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced a foreclosure and eviction moratorium Wednesday for single-family homeowners for the next 60 days if they have Federal Housing Administration-insured mortgages.


5. The Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition will lead recurring national calls on Coronavirus and Homelessness/Housing every Monday at 2:30 p.m. ET until Congress includes housing and homelessness resources in the COVID-19 stimulus package.
