Nominate volunteers who give from the heart

It is that time again – time to recognize those outstanding volunteers who make all the difference when it comes to helping local non-profits assist those in a crisis. 

giving from h
Some of the 2020 GFH nominees.

The Catawba County United Way is planning to host the annual Giving from the Heart Volunteer Awards on Nov. 18 to help recognize these invaluable individuals.

One agency/organization may submit a maximum of five nominations in each category: adult individual, youth and group. Nominations are due by Oct. 11.

Eligibility requirements include:
• Nominee’s volunteer organization must serve the community at large.
• Nominee’s volunteer organization must be a non-profit or a governmental agency to receive the award.
• Youth award - Individual 18 years or younger. Youth groups are eligible for the Group Award.
• An adult, youth or group is eligible in one category only.
• Group Award is for groups of 2 or more individuals.

If you would like to nominate an outstanding volunteer, fill out the Nomination Form at this link:

The Catawba County United Way is dedicated to helping increase the organized capacity of people to help others. For more information about the CCUW call 828-327-6851.