Get to know our non-profit leaders - The Salvation Army

July 21, 2023




Over the next few weeks, the Catawba County United Way will be highlighting the executive and program directors of the CCUW's funded partner agencies for 2023. 


Every year, the CCUW looks to partner with local non-profits through our large grant cycle and help support their programs focused on improving the lives of those in need in the areas of education, financial stability and health.

This week we meet Major Angela Repass from The Salvation Army of Greater Hickory and the High Country.

  1. What drew you to your current position and working in the non-profit world? 

It's a calling. A calling to love and help everyone!

  1. What is the biggest challenge your agency faces today?  

Funding of course! And volunteers! The need is so great!  

  1. How important is collaboration with other non-profits for you? 

It is vital. We cannot provide everything people need. Each agency has their focus and strength and if we all work together we can make more of an impact!

  1. What does a good day at work look like?

Best work day is almost always a Wednesday because of our drive through distribution.  But a day when I get to hang with our Boys & Girls Club members, hand out food to the community, talk with our shelter residents, and have productive interactions with staff and community.

  1. The non-profit world can be stressful. What’s your favorite way to relax?

Right now reading or crafting.

  1. Have you recently read a book or watched a movie that’s inspired you in some way? If so – title and why? 

Ok you may judge me but I've been watching a TV series All American.  It has served as a reminder of the injustices that still happen in our communities.  It inspires me to fight for justice on all fronts!

Check back next week to meet another Catawba County United Way funded partner leader. 

And to learn more about this year's community partners visit -